Haute on the Ranch: Your Sunday is Coming

 (photography provided by @lulubirdcreative)

This Easter day, I am honored to be able to share a few words of encouragement with you. My faith has held me through some incredibly dark days these past few years, and my hope is that you can find the same hope and peace that only Jesus can provide in this (oftentimes) dark world. 

If you know the story of Jesus, you know that He was crucified on a Friday. Everyone that loved him was beyond devastated to watch their precious Son, friend and leader die in such a horrific manner. 

Their world must have felt incredibly dark and their hearts had to be shattered. When life takes tragic and unexpected turns, it's hard to see up from down and to be able to find shreds of hope to cling to. 

What they couldn't see at the time, is the full picture. 

They couldn't see that God's plan had to include this horrific Friday, in order to get to Sunday, where He rose again. It had to include death and confusion and darkness in order to get to life and clarity and light. 

When my husband died, my world felt like nothing but Fridays, so to speak. Every day was dark and lonely and confusing and I was shattered. What I couldn't see was the beauty that was waiting for me in God's grace, and what I still can't see (and maybe never will on Earth) is the purpose for such heartache and devastation. 

But if I look back at the story of the crucifixion, I am reassured that it's ok if it doesn't make sense. It's ok if I don't understand- I don't have to. The good news- the news and hope that I cling to, is that Sunday is coming. God has a plan, even on the days that all I can see is death, loss, devastation, and darkness. 

So if your world is dark and if your heart is heavy, I pray that you can cling to God's promise of hope and grace. I pray you know that you're not alone and that you believe that this world is not our final home. 

There is so much beauty and so much love and hope and light beyond this broken world. Remember- we have to live through our "Fridays," to make it to our "Sundays." 

And as Jesus said in his final words on the cross, "It is finished." (John 19:30)

I hope you can rest in His promises today and celebrate the sacrifice that has forever changed the course of history. 

Happy Easter, everyone. 

XO- Sarah and Hayes


Sarah's Top: The Bellingham | Earrings: Senoia Earrings | Scarf: Vintage Saddle Horse Neck Scarf | Hayes' Top: The Kadoka


  • Dana Green

    I love the way you put you thoughts into words. You are so incredibly blessed in so many ways. You are an inspiration. I’m a better person today just by knowing you. Continued prayers and blessings to you and your precious son💙💙

  • Darcy Brown

    Beautiful message – Thank you.

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