Haute on the Ranch: DIY Cowboy Hat Pendant Lights


Let’s put a little howdy in your home!

If you’re looking to add some extra western warmth to one of your rooms, Savannah Sevens has a bright idea for whimsical lighting that you can easily recreate! Last year, our styling studio went through a major renovation and once it was unveiled, the cowboy hat pendant lights over our Denim Bar received major attention. So many of you expressed interest in where we purchased the lighting, and the truth is, it was a DIY project!

Follow along as Ryley Wimer, owner of Savannah 7s, shares with you the step-by-step process of assembling your own cowboy hat pendant lights.

Step One: Light Kit

Visit your local home improvement store or search Amazon for a pendant light kit. Be sure to select one that has a long cable so you can adjust it to your desired length. Kits can come in various colors and materials, but I chose simple black so that the light socket and cable are clean and unassuming while all the focus is on the cowboy hats.

Step Two: Cowboy Hats

While trying to find the right style and color of hat for your space, also keep in mind price. You want to use a hat that is authentic and sharp, but it can be difficult to justify spending hundreds on something you’re about to cut a hole in. The Texhoma wool hat on our site is what I selected because of the soft, neutral gray tone and its quality while still being affordable. 

Step Three: Cutting the Hole

Remove the threaded fixing ring and place the lamp holder in the center of the top of your hat. Trace around it using a pencil, pen or marker. Then, take an X-Acto knife {box cutters aren’t always as precise} to slowly cut along the circle you traced.

Step Four: Assembling the Pendant

Once the hole has been cut out, put the lamp holder through the top opening. Twist the threaded fixing ring back on until it secures the hat and lamp holder together.


Step Five: Choosing the Lights

The lighting kit I bought contains a universal lamp holder, meaning most any bulb can be used – just pay attention to the max wattage. I choose an indoor flood light specifically because it sheds the light down. This will keep you and your guests from seeing the inside lining and tags of the hat. I also wanted a dimmable light with a dimmable switch, but that is just preference.

Step Six: Check with the Professionals

Once you’re ready to actually install the pendant and connect the wiring, you should have an electrician finish the project. It’s always best to have a licensed professional on any renovation project so that the construction and installation are up to code.


I always enjoy working on DIY projects – there’s such a feeling of pride and accomplishment when you’ve had a hand in creating something for your home. I hope you love the results of these cowboy hat pendant lights as much as I have. 

‘Til next time ~ Ryley

Photo courtesy of Sara Hisel with Happy Trails Co. 

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