Gain Access to ALL Seven {back 2 school} Sale Days!!

Discount Codes will be announced Each Day within these Specific Platforms 
Follow the prompts below to make sure you have joined us at each of the following places!!

7.25 Sunday: Email Subscribers Get 15% OFF ALL Dresses | Jumpsuits | Rompers! Become an Email Insider prior to Noon CDT Sunday 7.25 to receive code. Subscribe:

7.26 Monday: Instagram Followers Get 20% OFF ALL Tops {women + men + kids} Follow us on Instagram & it doesn't hurt to turn on post notifications so you don't miss the code announcement:

7.27 Tuesday: Savannah Sevens VIP Experience Facebook Group Members Get 25% OFF ALL Sale Rack Items.  Join the VIP Group:

7.28 Wednesday: Text Message Subscribers Get 30% OFF ALL Outerwear {women + men + kids} Become a Text Subscriber: text JOINSALE  to 833.206.4655, Canada text JOINSALE to 81787

7.29 Thursday: Facebook Followers Get 35% OFF ALL Shorts | Skirts | Pants. Follow us on Facebook:

7.30-7.31 Friday & Saturday: Everyone Everywhere! Get BOGO (buy one, get one) 50% OFF Footwear {women + men + kids} with Code: BOGOKICKS